Re: FYI: Cosmic Chasm control knob information

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Tue Jun 26 2001 - 11:16:06 EDT

That looks like an industrial control knob. Check with places like
Electrosonic and others:

John :-#)#

At 08:04 AM 26/06/2001, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I took a few pictures of the Cosmic Chasm control knob because I know of a
>few people out there that are missing theirs.
>The knob was apparently made by ALCO, which makes control knobs. Since the
>knob has a pointer line on it, my guess that this was a generic item from
>their product line (not made specifically for the game). I tried to do some
>leg work the other day to see if I could find it on the web, but no such
>luck (there are too damn many companies named ALCO out there).
>If anyone wanted to do some searching around or calling around (I couldn't
>find any info on the company itself), or could maybe find an alternate knob
>which was cosmetically equivalent, there are some people out there that
>would appreciate it.
>Mark Jenison
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