Hello everyone!

From: Anthony Ramos <aramos_at_ele-mental.org>
Date: Wed Jun 27 2001 - 12:25:19 EDT

Greetings, VectorList! I'm a long-time arcade game collecting / restoring
person who has recently relocated to Portland, OR from central Ohio.

I've already gotten to know the operators of Ground Kontrol, a retro-arcade
in town, and have repaired several of their Atari games. It's a great
feeling to know that my work has made it possible for the general public to
continue to enjoy Tempest, Battlezone and Star Wars.

So, now I have a Lunar Lander board on my bench. I downloaded the
schematics, but I have no manual. My immediate question for the list is:

What location do each of the 16 PROMs go? I just want to verify that they
are positioned correctly.

BTW, four replacement 2716 EPROMs are already on their way to my house,
courtesy of David Hanes.

-Anthony R.

Anthony Ramos________
600 SE 39th Ave., # 3  \__ aramos@ele-mental.org .. aramos@hyperreal.org
Portland, OR 97214      \___ information design .. multimedia production
(503) 236-6303           \____________interactive art .. image synthesis
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Received on Wed Jun 27 12:46:33 2001

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