RE: Breaking into a Star Wars cabinet

From: James R. Twine <>
Date: Sat Jun 01 2002 - 13:51:35 EDT

> From:
> I recently acquired a nice Star Wars upright, but I have only
> the key for the front door with the coin mechs. I have
> neither the coin box key nor the rear panel key.

   For the front (coin) doors, I have found it incredibly easy to place
a large flat-head screwdriver between the door and frame where the cam
is located at (likely directly to the right of the lock), bend the
inside edge of the door bit so that you can get the screwdriver past the
door frame until it contacts the cam, and then give the back of the
screwdriver a decent *WHACK* with the palm of your hand, or possibly a
small hammer. The screw/bolt that holds the cam to the lock usually
gives pretty easy (or you will bend the cam enough to get the door
open). (Note, this also works rather well on the doors that use three
cams to secure the door.)

   Afterwards, the edge of the door can be straightened again easily.
Note that this is a rather brute force method of doing it, but if you do
not have a lock-pick set or a drill handy...

   Obviously, you should not try this with the back door(s).


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-=- James R. Twine, MCP, (
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