Re: Atari Warp Speed ?

From: <>
Date: Tue Jun 04 2002 - 15:31:55 EDT

In a message dated 6/4/02 12:04:12 PM, writes:

<< > Missile Command II PCB with no ROMs.

hehe. Yeh I was going to bid on that but it got a little to rich for my
blood. Did anyone ever find the roms or get a good idea of what the game
was like? Where did mc2 fit in to the timeline with liberator? Always
thought that looked like a mc follow-up (sorry to go off vector).

Missile Command 2 was tested in the very early 80's as a two player head to
head cocktail style game (think two player football). It did not test well
and was cancelled. One of my friends at Atari had uncovered one in the Atari
warehouse in the early 90's. He cleaned it up and had it setup at Atari.
One of the night manufacturing supervisors took it home one day and never
returned it. I tracked the guy down to a prison cell in Nevada where he is
serving a life sentence ( I don't know why). All of his stuff was sold at a
storage facility auction in 93. That's where the trail ends. At this point,
no other proto's of this game are known to exist. I'm still mining my Atari
contacts, but this one seems to be elusive. There are two empty proto boards
in the hands of a fellow collectors, but they may remain empty.....


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Received on Tue Jun 4 12:44:54 2002

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