RE: LF13331N questions

From: Tom McClintock <>
Date: Tue Jun 11 2002 - 16:09:28 EDT

Pins 5 and 12 are your +/- 15V inputs, so I would start
with the regulators, and work you way back to the power
supply before replacing the LF13331 switch.

Rodger was kind enough to come up with a (relatively
inexpensive) replacement for the chip.

Yup, it's an obsolete part. It's getting hard to find.
 How about
making your own?

If I had any ambition I'd be making these myself and
selling them to
anyone that wants them. But someone else can do that,
not me.

You will need an IC socket and a not-the-best analog
switch IC such as a
DG212, DG202, or MAX332. (Something with a similar
on-resistance to the
LF13331 and can handle the power supply voltage).

Put the IC UPSIDE DOWN on the IC socket. Pin 1 of the
IC socket will be
pin 8 of the IC and vice versa. Solder it to the
socket. Trim off the
extra pin length.

Now plug it into the game. Pin 1 of the SOCKET plugs
in to the pin 1
position of the game (you might want to paint a dot on
the IC (pin 1 of
socket, pin 8 of IC).

The disable pin of the LF13331 no longer works on this
retrofit, but
according to Cinamatronics schematics it isn't used

Well, at least it sounds good in theory. Perhaps
someone some day will
give it a try. (I don't have games any more).


On Tue, 11 June 2002, "Mills, Lewis" wrote

> Pete,
> If you can use it in an SO package instead of a DIP
(LF13331M instead of
> LF13331N), Rochester Electronics (
has them.
> As to the crosses, the transistor cross reference
( shows ECG861
> as a cross. I don't know about the analog devices
part, but its data sheet
> is at and
> you can compare it to the analog devices part data
sheet at
> As to why it smoked, I dunno. Pin 5 should be -V and
pin 12 +V (or -Vee and
> +Vcc), if that helps.
> Lewis
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> > []On Behalf Of
Pete Ashdown
> > Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 11:10 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: VECTOR: LF13331N questions
> >
> >
> > I have a Tailgunner that smoked the LF13331N upon
> > It vaporized
> > pins 5 & 12. Is it likely that simply replacing
this chip solve the
> > problem, or do I need to look elsewhere?
> >
> > The archives for this list have someone stating
that the
> > Analog Devices
> > SW06GP is a suitable replacement:
> >
> >
> >
> > However, someone on RGVAC says SW06 is not suitable:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Word is also that the ECG 861 is suitable. Are
either of these chips?
> > Does anyone have a source of original LF13331N's?
> >
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Received on Tue Jun 11 13:15:53 2002

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