Asteroids display problem

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Sat Jun 15 2002 - 14:23:09 EDT

I've got an Asteroids board with a really bizarre problem:

What you're seeing is the standard test pattern. From what I can gather,
the "Y" stepping is completely OK. However, it looks like every 8 or 16
"pixels" or so, are rounded down, like it has a bit in one of the X
coordinate counters stuck low. When I play the game, all objects look
really strange - like every 8 or 16 "pixels" they're looped back around to
the current 8 or 16 pixel set rather than extending to the adjacent
pixels. This looks to be a "chain link fence" style of problem. Could it
be one of the DACs or ....?

BTW, Does anyone know of a source for these DACs?

I'm curious if A: Anyone has seen this type of problem before, and B: if
I'm looking in the right area for the root problem. Thanks!


Neil Bradley "Why does not knowing Jack require you to know Dick?"
Synthcom Systems, Inc. "One idiot programmer will negate the work of at least
ICQ #29402898 two competent programmers."

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