Re: Asteroids display problem

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Sat Jun 15 2002 - 16:05:27 EDT

> You might look for a DAC input with no activity (stuck low or stuck
> high). Going with your "8 or 16 pixel" thought this would give you data
> lines 3 or 4 of the DAC. If everything looks like it's running there
> you might actually have a bad DAC.

Found the problem - someone installed a new 561 DAC and did a lousy job of
soldering it, plus they severed the DVX5 line. ;-) Anyway, a new jumper
wire and a resolder of the pins and the board now works perfectly. Thanks!


Neil Bradley "Why does not knowing Jack require you to know Dick?"
Synthcom Systems, Inc. "One idiot programmer will negate the work of at least
ICQ #29402898 two competent programmers."

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