
From: Tim Tewalt <tim_at_srccomp.com>
Date: Tue Jun 25 2002 - 16:15:34 EDT

I came across a little bag of 2N4923's in an envelope stashed
with some Atari vector docs I had printed off the web in 1994
(right about the time I first started collecting games).

2N4923's are 80V/3A/30W NPN's. Any guesses where these might
be used? I'm thinking I might have bought them as Q901 & Q902
replacements in WG6100 HV boards. However, since I have about
five WG6100 deflection boards to rebuild, I wonder if a person
would dare use them at Q604 and Q704 in the deflection boards?

Lot's of cleaning/organizing remains... wonder what else I
might find? :-)


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