Amplifone Brownsville parts - Tech notebooks, etc....!!!

From: <>
Date: Tue Aug 14 2001 - 21:59:14 EDT


     I ran into a gentleman who bought out bunch of material from the
Amplifone auction back in 1986. Some of this stuff is Vector, some raster,
but all of it seems very interesting. Many technicians notebooks, technical
manuals, various parts. I have yet to get a price out of him, but it looks
like it might take a group effort to buy all of the stuff. I am posting this
info to see if there is any interest.
     There are certain things (manuals, etc.) that I might want to get a copy
of, (or the original, depending on how much I have to contribute). Please
look over this initial post of manuals and technical journals to see if you
might be interested in any of the items (or possibly copies). I feel this
find is fantastic as far as the historical significance, and might help alot
of us out on the technical side as well.

Here is the first list:
Technical manuals and notebooks from the Amplfone auction that I have
retained are
described below:

Lab notebooks:
These are mostly brown flexible cover lab notebooks with measurements of
flybacks and design information for manufacturing. I deduce from the notebooks
that Amplifone made flybacks for various American manufacturers in the 70s, as
well as for Atari. They also may have been studying other makers products for
their own purposes.

I will describe each briefly below. (the volume numbers are arbitrary):

Ref. Person Plant Company Dept. Dates
1. Mordecai Jabson Brownsville Amplifone Eng. 5/19/77 -
        Flyback and power transformer measurements, with some polaroid scope

2. John Laban Brownsville Amplifone Eng. 1/29/74 -
        Flyback and power transformer measurements, for various US TV mfgs.

3. Mordecai Jacobson Brownsville Amplifone Eng. 3/13/78 -
        Flyback transformer measurements, many scope pix.

4. Mordecai Jacobson Brownsville Amplifone Eng. 1/05/79 -
        HV transformer measurements, various mfr. incl. Precision Data,
        Monitor Systems, Electrohome, pertec, ncr, audiotronics

5. John Laban Brownsville Amplifone Eng. 11/04/74 -
        Peerless, Warwick, Admiral flybacks

6. T.E. Handing Brownsville Amplifone Eng. 11/28/73 -
        Has mfg. sketches, hand drawn schematic sketches, for manufacturing,
        with measurments of samples, etc. Model 80-160-3, mentions Admiral,
        Magnavox, and work or a smoke detector.

7. Eugene Christiano Chicago Amplifone Eng. 2/11/75 -
        Measurements flybacks Wells, Magnavox, Zenith, Admiral

8. Eugene Christiano .. Amplifone Eng. 5/25/73 -
        More lab data than some others, incl. schematic of one-off frequency
        tester, schematic sketches, dealing with low inductance probs. in
        production, 30 kv design, frequency rejects, part 80-159-3, and
        Complete table of contents.

9. Not shown ? Amplifone lbck (?) 6/28/76
        lab data on flybacks various mfg. names
        Contains loose whitprint about 36x60 from Magnavox - mfg. specs for
        flyback, with test circuit, mfg. drawings, etc.

10. Andrew Janz ? Amplifone Eng. 5/25/73 -
        Various brand names, good table of contents, neater than most, a few
        scope polaroids

11. Steve Chapman Chicago Amplifone Sample Lab 7/22/74 -
        Don Barchak
        Data on sample xfmrs. sent to Magnavox, Heath, Warwick, Admiral

12. Mordecai Jacobson Brownsville Amplifone Eng. 4/19/79 -
        Research data on designs for various mfg. lots of scope pix.

13. John Laban ? Amplifone ? 5/4/73 -
        Analysis of various sample hv trans. from various mfg., experiments
        potting and insulation

14. T.E. Handing ? Amplifone ? 9/15/76 -
        experimental data on hv xfmrs. 361547 IFTM, 79X197 IFTM, incl many

15. green spiral notebook on parts shipped/received 1976
16. blue spiral notebook on "to do" during 1976

17. Manila pocket folder containing several copies of pages 9-15 of a
        on "Transformer Design Date High-Frequency, Powdered-Core Inductor"
        reproducted by hectograph or spirit duplicator (purple), together with
        original hand-written draft on the memo stationery of T.E. Handing.

18. Same as 17., but pages 1-8 of the monograph. This seems to have been
        prepared for training lab. staff. There are enough copies here for
        than 15 persons. The entire fifteen page document is a good
instruction on
        what is required to design the high voltage transformers

19 Ring Binder "Circuit Designer's File - FERRITES" Indiana General
20 Ring Binder - Panasonic semiconductors - optoelectronics, discrete
        transistors, lsi microcomputer chips

21 Blue spirial notebook describing test setups, test circuits, tool
        includes loose sheets describing, an IBM power transformer
        a copy of the Amplifone Confidential Information Agreement, as signed
        Ronald T. Marino, Sr. Buyer, Purchasing and T.E. Handing on 23/14/79.,
        printed operating instructions for Stechell Carlson Model 17M922
        video monitor, with schematic, also one for Models 6M912, 9M912,
        also with schematic.
        Also schematic for the Amplifone (tube type) high voltage tester for
        horizontal output transformers (several xerox pages taped together)
        and a few pages of I don't know what.

22. Thick black binder with (company confidential) Vendor Control List for
        Atari Corp. shows semiconductors, inductors, transformers, fuses.
        Atari part number and Manufacturer part number, and specs of many

23. Thick black bninder with (company confidential) vendor list of
        assemblies bought by Atari, such as power supplies, lighting assys,
        electro-home and wells-gardner monitors incl. x-y. Lists
        of Atari and Manufacturers part number for replacement parts.

24. Amplifone logo imprinted white binder containing manufacturer data
on RCA
        picture tube engineering notes:
        PIX-333 The RCA Super Arch Mask
        R33AA02A__ __ Color Data Display CRT
        R33AA02X__ __ Color Data Display CRT 13v90 degree Precision in-line
        data display tube assemblies deflection yoke options
        19VLUP22 100 degree precision in-line HI-LITE MATRIX Color Picture
        ST-5079 A Novel High Voltage Bipotential CRT Gun Design
        ST-5105 A High Performance Color CRT Gun With An Asymmetrical Beam

That is the end of the proprietary ATARI info. Much of the material will only
of historical interest, although you may glean some useful info about Atari
engineering from some of it. Most of it is one of a kind.

There are also some technical reference manuals from the period as follows:

1. Rockwell Int/l A/M/I 6800 Microcomputer Development Center Systems Summary
2. " " " " Basic Language Reference Manual
3. " " " " User's Manual
4. " " " " User's Guide
5. Zilog Z8000 Assembly Language Programming Manual
6. Zilog Data Book z-80, Z-80A series
7. Texas Inst. Optoelectronics Data Book for Design Engineers
8. Motorola Semiconductor Data Library Volume 1, Discrete Products Series A,
   sheets for EIA Registered TYpe Numbers to IN5000 and 2N5000
9. SGS/ATES Linear Integrated Circuits Databook, 2nd Edition
10.Solid State Scientific, Inc. B-Series CMOS integrated circuits data book
11.Motorola Memory Data book
12.Varo Semiconductor - Silicon Rectifiers and Bridges
13.Electronics Information Series - INTERFACE integrated circuit data book,
   6 (1980)
14.VARO semiconductor Silicon Rectifiers and Bridges 1981/1982
15.Intel Memory Handbook
16.Motorola Semiconductor Library, Volume 2, Discrete Products, Series A, Data
   Sheets for EIA Registered Type Numbers 1N5000 and 2N5000 and up, with 3N...
   and 4N... numbers
17.Electronic Information Series - Interface Integrated Circuits October 1981
   March 1982, Edition 10
18.Electronic Information Series Linear Integrated Circuits Databook, Edition

I estimate that the total of everything listed weighs 60-70 pounds. Please
  that I only am interested in selling them all or at least most at once.


This is the first list. If you like, you can e-mail me directly, or we can
discuss this here on the Vectorlist if it is OK with Niel. Hopefully we can
generate enought interest in this stuff so everyone can learn from it.

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