FT: Various vector parts and misc.

From: Werner Sharp <sharpw_at_bellsouth.net>
Date: Sun Sep 02 2001 - 18:16:52 EDT

Hi everyone,

I picked up a bunch of stuff from a fellow collector today and I'm looking
for some trades. I need WG 6100 color XY monitor parts: HV units,
deflection boards and neck boards. Here's what I have for trade....

(4) Sega audio transformer assemblies
(2) WG B&W xy HV units
(1) Electrohome B&W xy HV unit
(1) Sega Star Trek Cockpit mini Control Panel (see picture link below)
(1) Battlezone Cabaret control panel (no joysticks) (see picture)
(3) Gottlieb Pinball Coin Doors (yeah, pinball I know...see picture)
(1) Sega Star Trek control panel (a Space Duel CP) (see picture)
(?) Big ole' box of pinball parts - lots of segment displays, etc. (see
(1) Atari 2 edge connector vector(?) harness (I'll try to figure out what
it is)


I need to keep one of the B&W HV units but I'm not sure which one yet. I'd
also love to get the Star Trek mini CP and Battlezone CP to collectors who
need those exact parts on their games.

I'd be willing to trade a WG 6100 tube (no boards) for a some WG boards if
the person was in the area of Chapel Hill, NC. I don't really want to
ship a tube and risk it breaking.

Please feel free to make offers via email. If I can't find trades or cash
offers, it'll just go up on ebay eventually.

Thanks for reading.

Werner Sharp

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Received on Sun Sep 2 15:19:29 2001

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