Re: Battlezone and Red Baron AVGs not interchangeable?

From: Matthew Sell <>
Date: Mon Sep 17 2001 - 11:07:04 EDT


The conversion was detailed in the ROM build for MAME. Here is the text of
the "readme" included in the ZIP file that MAME uses.

(BTW: I do own this game - for those lawyers that wait and hide for people
like me who use MAME....)

E1 H1* J1 K1 L/M1 N
137000 37587 36998 36997 36996 36995A3 B/C337007 37006

* all roms 2716 with the exception of H1, which is a 2732 with pin 18
pulled up and a wire run to M2 pin 13 the pc board is the same as battle
zone with the exception of the hack on H1

The math box microcode is identical to battle zone

A complete discussion regarding this conversion is archived at:

There you will see my messages regarding earlier attempts to get my RB
upright happy. It's been playing fine since then.

         - Matt

At 08:53 AM 9/17/01 -0500, you wrote:

>There is a conversion process (very simple to perform) that can transform
>the Battlezone AVG board into one that can be used with Red Baron.
>I successfully converted a Battlezone board to run Red Baron, and my
>cockpit Red Baron came with a converted Battlezone board that probably had
>been converted by the operator.
>If anyone needs the conversion info I can dig around for it. The process
>basically involves cutting one or two traces and adding a jumper wire or
>two. It's really easy.
> - Matt

Matthew Sell
On Time Support, Inc.
(281) 296-6066

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