Any interest in repairing an Omega Race boardset??

From: <>
Date: Wed Sep 19 2001 - 12:38:45 EDT

Hello John,

     I've been kicking myself in the head over this for a while - might be an
easy repair for you.
     I'm getting errors on all vector ram, as well as both vector roms -
(beeps 9, 10, 11,12, 13, 14 in test mode). Bus test on Fluke with Z-80 is OK.
All rams replaced and resocketed, roms resocketed and test good in PB-10. I
am familiar with repairing Pinball mpu's, and repaired slight corrosion
damage to the board. (I can take pics if you like and e-mail them to you,
trust me, I won't send you an "Acid Project".)
     Please let me know if you are interested in taking a look at it.

Thank You Very Much,
Michael Kelley
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