H1809 HV diode: How to test?

From: Anthony Ramos <aramos_at_ele-mental.org>
Date: Sun Oct 28 2001 - 01:03:11 EST

Hi everyone,

A while ago I wrote you-all about my "bz woes", where the monitor had
deflection and tube glow, but no picture and, apparently, no HV.

I worked up the courage and removed the HV cage. Suspecting the HV diode
first, I removed it and tested for continuity. It shows an open circuit in
both directions.

Does this mean it's bad? And if so, where can I find a replacement? It's an
H1809, by the way.

Thanks everyone,

Anthony R.

Anthony Ramos________
600 SE 39th Ave., # 3  \__ aramos@ele-mental.org .. aramos@hyperreal.org
Portland, OR 97214      \___ information design .. multimedia production
(503) 236-6303           \____________interactive art .. image synthesis
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