Re: Dead Asteroids

From: Douglas Gauck <>
Date: Tue Dec 11 2001 - 13:14:49 EST

My Battlezone was doing exactly that ­ solid start button, hum, and
indifference to the test switch setting - except I had a single dot
onscreen. It turned out to be a bad ARII board. I think my voltages were too
_high_. Bob Roberts sells an ARII get well kit.


on 12/11/01 10:00 AM, Phil Morris at wrote:

> I've just obtained an Asteroids that I knew was dead before I bought it. I
> thought at the time that it was just the main board, but now I'm not so sure
> ..........
> Before I go on, I'll say that I'm a complete newbie at this. I've also done
> some research and can't find anything directly related to this particular
> fault.
> Also, this is no 'ordinary' Asteroids, it was originally a Lunar Lander and
> the main PCB has been heavily modified to run Asteroids, said mod also
> includes a daughterboard.
> When powering on the machine the monitor emits a fairly high pitched squeal,
> there is no display, also the player one button stays lit. If I disconnect the
> monitor then the player one button stays lit and pressing it doesn't achieve
> anything.
> Could a dodgy main PCB cause the monitor to squeal in such a manner, or is
> this indicative of an additional fault in the monitor?
> Should I wait and try a known working Asteroids board that I have on order, or
> look into seeing if there is a fault in the monitor circuitry?
> Thanks,
> Phil

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