Re: Asteriods losing voltage

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Tue Dec 11 2001 - 14:32:15 EST

No, these days we add a tiny extension card to put new edge connections and
a new card edge connector. In the old days we would do that, on location
etc., when a game was down and no time to do it better.

Mind you the wires soldered directly to the board sure made a reliable
game! The card edge connection will burn out again if left on 24/7...

John :-#)#

At 10:02 AM 12/11/01, you wrote:
>On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, John Robertson wrote:
> > Dean, your edge connector on either the board, the card edge
> connector, or
> > BOTH is/are toasted. The Vcc or Vdd (common) contacts are burnt and not
> > passing enough current to bring the 5VDC on the MPU up to snuff. I suspect
> > the edge connector is getting hot to the touch....
> >
> > What we used to do is to jumper the burnt out wires to the MPU directly
> > using a interconnect plug (like a car trailer plug set) so the board could
> > be removed for service. Purists add a very short extension card to the MPU
> > and replace the card edge connector.
>I hope that "used to do" statement means "We don't do stuff like that
>anymore" ;-) Some people like to use their cabinets to test other boards
>and don't want to have to hack their boards for testing purposes.
>Replace the edge connector and repair the board edge as best as
>possible. Edge or molex connector pins can be bent and soldered over
>burnt edge pins without too much trouble if you don't want to go to the
>trouble of completely grafting on a whole new extension card.
>Mark Jenison
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