Re: Lunar Lander - plastic 'covering' on control panel

From: Matthew Sell <>
Date: Sat Dec 15 2001 - 13:33:34 EST


Every Lunar Lander I have seen, both "in the wild" and "in captivity", did
not have any covering on the control panel.

I did see one on an Asteroids, but it was very obvious that it was applied
by the operator.

         - Matt

At 10:55 AM 12/15/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>When Lunar Landers were originally produced at the factory, was a clear,
>self-adhesive plastic film added over the black paintwork, presumably to
>protect the paint?
>After hunting around on this list, the web, etc I can't find any
>references to this anywhere and am wondering if said plastic film on the
>metalwork of my CP has been added at a later date. If so I'll remove it as
>it's scuffed in places, and as far as I can see the black paint underneath
>is intact.
>Even if it's supposed to be there, re-covering it shouldn't be a problem
>just so long as I can find some suitable adhesive plastic here in the UK! :)

Matthew Sell
On Time Support, Inc.
(281) 296-6066

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