Battlezone Math Box PROMs needed

From: Anthony Ramos <>
Date: Tue Feb 05 2002 - 03:22:14 EST

Several months ago, four of the PROMs on my Battlezone's Math
Box board burned up, and I've been trying to locate replacements
ever since. A friend in Ohio dug through his old boards, located
a dead Math Box board, and sent it to me...only to have it get
lost in the mail. Arrrgh!!

I'm back to square one. Please let me know if you have, or can
burn, these PROMs:

I can offer any combination of the following in trade:
   AMD 2091 bit-slice processors, up to four in quantity
   2114 RAM, up to 13 in quantity
   4116 RAM, up to 24 in quantity
   Williams "Special Chips", up to six in quantity

I can't offer any cash right now, sorry. Please help,
Battlezone's glowing green vectors are calling me...

Thanks everyone,
Anthony R.

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Received on Tue Feb 5 00:24:08 2002

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