Asteroids - cross reference list of components and what they do in the circuit?

From: Phil Morris <>
Date: Mon Feb 18 2002 - 04:24:28 EST

Before I reinvent the wheel, does there exist a cross reference list of at
least all the ICs on an Asteroids board against where they are in the
circuit? For example,

A9 .......... Vector Timer
K7 .......... Vector Generator Memory Data Latches


Of course, the schematics will normally reveal the locations of any
components, BUT it is time consuming just trying to track down one
component. At least with a cross reference list you can immediately go to
the relevant part of the schematics and so maybe even understand a little
more of the circuitry in the process.

No doubt some on this list know where each and every component is off by
heart which aids them when fixing a fault on a board, but some of us are
still acquiring that knowledge. :)


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