Re: Re: Star Wars help.

From: Phil Morris <>
Date: Wed Mar 27 2002 - 13:20:45 EST

At 17:49 27/03/2002 +0000, you wrote:
>You'll have to excuse me, i have no idea where the "Z" connection is, is
>it on the game board itself? also ive heard that this might happen if one
>of my XY transistors have gone out, is there any truth to that?

Yes, there should be test points on the board itself. I must though confess
that I've never seen a Star Wars board, only Atari's early black and white
vector games like Asteroids, Asteroids Deluxe and Lunar Lander. However,
the principle is the same, it's just that I believe that Star Wars has
three Z outputs, one for the 'brightness' of each colour (Red, Green, Blue).

Yes, a blown transistor in the monitor could also cause a blank screen. In
fact, it could be many things, but if you're unsure of the cause it's
always best to start with the 'easy' tests first before you get into
replacing components. :)

So, try and find the brightness and contrast controls in the monitor and
tweak them to see if you get anything on the screen. Let us know how you
get on and we can progress from there.


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