Re: Re: Bulk buy on Wintron flybacks

From: Walt <>
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 17:25:16 EDT

Count me in for one - possibly two.


> At 01:22 am 17 04 02, you wrote:
> >I was just chatting with my friend, John, who has a shop locally that
> >nothing but repair monitors, he believes that he can make a voltage
> >limited HV supply that would run on the original DC supply for about
> >$100US in 50 lots....
> >
> >This will not be as pretty a box as the ones that Wintron and others
> >but the price is probably much nicer...the box could thus replace either
> >the WG HV as used in Tempest, and the HV as used in the Ampliphone. These
> >would use inexpensive common HV flybacks so repairs should be cheap as

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