FS: Large lot of PCBs just posted on RGVAC, including Quantum and Reactor

From: Ray Ghanbari <ray_at_ghanbari.com>
Date: Sun May 05 2002 - 16:42:35 EDT


In prepping for child 2.0, cleaning out the garage. In the interest of
efficiency, just posted a very large lot of PCBs for sale on RGVAC,
including Quantum, Reactor, and lots of early Atari stuff (sorry, the
Quantum is the bait on the hook to make the lot more attractive)

Please e-mail me if you'd like to see what's in the lot so we can keep the
list clear. Given the appeal of stuff like Quantum, thought it appropriate
to post to let people know.

For vector list members, I'd sweeten the deal with an additional vector PCB
or vector parts.

For raster list members, I'd do the same with some raster PCB or interesting

Ray Ghanbari

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Received on Sun May 5 13:53:03 2002

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