Lunar Lander Hula

From: Chumblespuzz <>
Date: Sun May 26 2002 - 16:14:30 EDT

Hi All,

My LL is exhibiting what I can only describe as an object-based hula.

For example, the words Score, Time and Fuel are rock steady on the screen,
but their values jiggle up and down in unison. Also, the words Vertical
Speed move up and down in unison, but independant of its speed value.

This occurs with pretty much all the displayed objects.

As an aside, my mission lights flicker (fade in and out) in unison (although
I understand that this flickering is fairly common in LL).

Everything passes self-test, except it doesn't say ROM OK in the top left
corner (different version?). Monitor capped. +5v is rock solid and clean

Any thoughts? Big Blue? Dacs?


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