Re: Playing Vector Games on the Big Screen

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 23:33:23 EDT

> 256x256 is enough for the testing for vector Monitors... but is
> defiently not enough all games... error in choice of words...

Depends upon what you mean by "test". Whether or not they work, sure, but
it's really tough to get any sort of pattern resolution for anything
intricate with 256 steps.

> Starwars 0-250,0-280 resolution would test just fine with a 8-bit DAC
> Asteroids 0-1023, 128-996 resolution (using the AD561 10-bit DAC's)
> Tempest 0-550, 0-580 resolution

I already know this. I'm the one that gave these values to the MAME
guys. And if you want to get technical, they're all 1024x1024, but the
vector monitors aren't completely square so the game doesn't use the full
Y spread, plus the X offset varies.

> Cutting and pasting... maybe I did it twice... I am a smartass but it
> wasn't intentional Now that I am home... Asteriods main processor is
> a 1.5MHZ 6502

Yeah, I know that.

> > > and 6mhz? is that the main Processor or the State Machine Processor?
> > The state machine processor.
> Are you sure your not confusing this with the clock speed of a Raster
> Monitor?

I'm positive. Clock speeds of raster monitors are much higher.

The step rate of the DVG on Asteroids is 6MHZ.

> For Asteroids At least... their is no second processor,

Again Rob, no kidding. I already know all of this. It's a vector state
machine, and it's a processor. I've done a little emulator called EMU,
contributed to MAME, and wrote Retrocade just in case you didn't know.

> I think it was 1997 when I was talking with Chris Pile about actually
> doing this.. and did the first test frame for asteroids... at the
> time the hardware I had just couldn't handle it... and didn't really
> look into again til 1999....

Had Asteroids running in emulation in September of '96.


Neil Bradley chown -R us:us /*base*
Synthcom Systems, Inc.
ICQ #29402898

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