Re: Gravitar ROMS Version 3 not working... why?

From: Commander Dave <>
Date: Sun Jul 07 2002 - 14:04:59 EDT

Thanks for the info, but to put a 2732 in a socket that has a 2716 in there
currently, wouldn't I have to make some modifications for it to work, like
tie some pins or something?

By the way, Jess, do you happen to know where I can send updates to the
information on Gamearchive? I have found some errors (most are small), but
don't know who to submit them to. I think I wrote to the email addresses on
Gamearchive, but I didn't get a response and last I checked, nothing
changed. Who do I send changes to, especially for the vector information?

-Commander Dave

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jess Askey" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 07, 2002 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Gravitar ROMS Version 3 not working... why?

> Since the file is 4k, Im guessing that you need a 2732 instead. Zonn and
> Miranda provided the images which were working then I think. Try the new
> chip and let us know. If there is something I can do to make the
> procedure more clear on gamearchive just let me know.
> Commander Dave wrote:
> >I burned some EPROMS from the Gravitar version 3 ROM images from
> >Gamearchive. Everything verifies fine, but it plays blind. If I put back
> >the version 2 ROMS, all is well. I have rechecked the burn on the EPROMS
> >twice.
> >
> >One thing to note is that I burned the .210 vector ROM into a 2716,
> >that is what my boardset has in it. Since the file is 4K and not 2K,
> >there be some kind of mod to use a bigger EPROM? Any other ideas why it
> >played blind?
> >
> >Note that my Gravitar actually has a Black Widow boardset and has EPROMS
> >it already. I don't know if there is any differece or mods to a BW
> >that might affect the version 3 ROMS (I know BW is just a Gravitar PCB
> >underneath the sticker). FYI.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >-Commander Dave
> >
> >
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Received on Sun Jul 7 11:14:30 2002

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