Re: What is with those LOUSY cine tiffs from spies???

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Tue Jul 09 2002 - 13:42:04 EDT

I use CompuPic, which handles just about any format.

In any case, I've converted all the service bulletins (using CompuPic)
to GIF files and zipped them up into a 2 meg bundle. They are

Even GIF uses twice the space as TIFF, but less than JPEG. PNG is
tighter than GIF (using maximum compression), but TIFF still wins.

In any case, zipping the GIFs actually takes MORE space! But this makes
for an easy way to grab them and just about anything can handle a GIF.

Franklin Bowen wrote:

> Thanks for pointing out an application that can handle these. I
> thought something was wrong with the files too since LView Pro doesn't
> like them. I had Quicktime installed but not the still image viewer
> since LVP is better...or is it? :^)
> At 12:43 AM 7/9/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>> I haven't had any trouble with these. Perhaps you may need a newer
>> version of
>> QuickTime..
>> JB
> --
> Franklin Bowen (

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