Re: Is anyone going to the Classic Gaming expo on August

From: Kurt Mahan <>
Date: Tue Jul 16 2002 - 14:10:57 EDT

The ZVG is cool (and I'll definitly try and get one). But what I'm really
wanting is the ZVT. To be able to work on the vector monitors (including
cine monitors which I've got a few waiting for attention) without having
to drag out a board/game will be awesome. Also having a known good test
unit is a plus. I spent quite a bit of time troubleshooting one deflection
board. It didn't make sense. Until I realized that the tempest boardset
I was using had crapped out sometime after I started debugging (since I
checked to make sure the boardset was working when I started).. That
was a lot funnier AFTER I figured it out.


> > How did such a cool product pass by me without even really noticing it until
> > now? I even went to the website a few weeks ago but must have been too
> > distracted to see what was really being offered. This system looks great.
> > Did you folks already discuss pricing? If so, is there a specific link to
> > look at?
> That's up to Zonn & Bill - I'm just the software guy. ;-)
> > Do you have any pictures with it driving a color vector monitor?
> Not yet. Zonn is working out the pincusioning and some of the analog
> section, but it'll be able to drive a color vector monitor with no
> problems once it's complete.
> > system really opens up possibilities of a nice vector multigame in anyone's
> > arcade room.
> Exactly!
> > I'm looking forward to getting my hands on one. Great work Zonn and Neil!
> Actually, great work Zonn & Bill - I just did the software. ;-)
> BTW, Wasn't someone else supposedly working on a vector generator board?
> What happened to that?
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Received on Tue Jul 16 11:22:03 2002

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