Re: Anyone tried using a singal generator as a test source for a WG 6100?

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Wed Jul 17 2002 - 03:05:12 EDT

David Shoemaker wrote:

> Occurred to me in the shower that it should be possible to setup a
> pair of square wave generators to act as X/Y inputs for a monitor on
> the bench. Easier than having to dig out and setup my tempest boards
> every time I want to work on a monitor.
> Anyone tried this?
> David

Please be careful. You're better off using sinewaves. Power amplifiers
can be damaged by square waves.

A 10 KHz square wave at high levels can destroy amplifiers by getting
both output transistors on at the same time. This happens because you
can get one transistor turning on hard before the other transistor has a
chance to turn off. In effect you try to crowbar the power supplies
through the output transistors and end up blowing them both up.

Just be careful. Low levels that don't saturate the output transistors
should be safe and sinewaves are usually safe, as long as you don't take
the frequency too high (over 10 KHz).

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