Re: Tempest spinner rebuild kits

From: Bryan Kruzynski <>
Date: Mon Jul 22 2002 - 10:20:36 EDT

> A couple of years ago I purchased a Tempest Spinner Rebuild Kit from
> Mr. Chumblespuzz, and it really did the trick on my Tempest.
> I finally got another one this weekend (to replace the one I traded),
> and it needs (drum roll please...) the rebuild kit.
> I noticed that the domain that his web site was located on is no
> longer, and looking at a historical cached page of his site mentions
> that he decided to exit the business for a while.
> Does "Mr. Chumblespuzz" intend to get back into the business, or is
> anyone else making this (or a similar) kit?
> That rebuild kit made the spinner sure work like a dream....

Chumblespuzz no longer sells the kit. He still maintains a nice website

Arcadeshop sells a spinner rebuild kit.

Arcade Renovations sells a further improved Chumblespuzz spinner rebuild
kit. I don't think it's listed on their website yet, you will have to
email Phillipe directly.


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