Re: asteroids ram

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Sun Sep 08 2002 - 19:36:19 EDT

You can use a 6116 RAM to replace 4 2114's, just need to work out the chip
select for the 6116. I did that recently for Asteroids Vector RAM where the
board was screwed up with jumpers everywhere and one of the 2114s was bad.
I simply put a 24 pin socket in the unused pads beside the Vector EPROM and
wired up the select, and disabled the 2114s. This will work for ANY cluster
of 2 or four 2114s if you have a spare 24 pin spot on the board that is the
same address and data lines...I haven't check a Tempest since I did this,
but I suspect it will work fine. you do need a slightly faster 6116 than

John :-#)#

At 06:02 PM 08/09/2002 -0500, Mike Ellingson wrote:

>Hello all. I have an asteroids that plays but no video. self diagnostics
>says #6(P4) ram faulty. Swapped one in from another board and now no play
>or diagnostics. Does the ram have to be a matched set (as the letters are
>different between the 2114 rams on the two boards).or is that replacement
>most likely dead?
>Thanks, Mike

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