Re: video problem on Space Duel

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Mon Sep 09 2002 - 01:03:20 EDT

Joe Bachmann wrote:

>I have a Space Duel in which the vectors are all over the place. Here's a pic:
>I have tried replacing the +/- regs, not change. The problem looks to be on the X
>and Y side. All colors are having the same issue. The X and Y outputs on the
>board are having the same issue.
>Any ideas?

I don't do much game repair any more, but I'd be looking for power
supply ripple (judging by the sawtooth look of the lines, looks like
what you'ld see on a rippling power supply).

Check ALL power supplies with a scope to see if they are the correct
voltage and ripple free.

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