RE: ZVG special pricing

From: Bill Paul <>
Date: Tue Sep 10 2002 - 20:05:36 EDT

At 02:49 PM 9/10/02 -0700, Neil Bradley wrote:
>> Question is what Type of Retrocade Software
>> is actually included with this item at this time ???
>We've switched gears and will be providing a modified MAME 0.61 so that
>all vector games are represented.
>However, you should view the product as the hardware, not the software. We
>will provide an encoder library and the modified sources to MAME to enable
>software developers to write front ends, new games, etc.. Do not expect
>this to be a turn key system that you can operate in a multigame fashion.

Also just keep in mind that all the software and firmware updates will be
available on the web page, so everyone will be able to run the latest and
greatest stuff as it is released.
I'm about to add a developer section of the website, and over time we will
be adding APIs, source code, interface specs, and as much information as we
can think of..
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Received on Tue Sep 10 17:28:58 2002

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