Re: ZVG special pricing

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Wed Sep 11 2002 - 14:22:23 EDT

> >Looking at the color Tempest picture from the ZVG brought a quesiton
> >to mind: Does it allow for three different color intensities at a time, or
> >are all displayed colors at the same intensity, as in the old hardware ?
> There are 5 bits for red and blue, and 6 bits for green, all of which are
> independant of each other. Total color palette is 65,536 colors.

To further expand on Bill's statement above, the ZVG encoder library will
also automatically do a color->b&w (greyscale) conversion if you're
running a color game on a monochrome monitor. It uses the green gun
exclusively in that case which yields 64 levels of intensity.


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