Amplifone: Minor Deflection Problems

From: Dave Langley <>
Date: Thu Sep 12 2002 - 15:25:50 EDT

Hi Guys!

Well I finally got my SW cockpit running last night .... the first time it
has successfully powered up in 13 years!

The Amplifone's HV board has a shiny new wintron now and is doing fine.

I am however getting minor defection problems, basically the in the
crosshatch screen the box is not rectangular(almost pin-cushioned but it
only really affects the RHS)! I have not renewed the deflection
transistors yet as I'm still waiting for them to arrive, though the board
has been re-capped and the jumpers replaced with wire.

If this problem is likely to be due to the age of the deflection
transistors then I'm not too worried as they will be replaced anyway,
however, might anything else cause this?

I can post pix if anyone needs them.

Dave Langley

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