Re: Replacement speakers: where to get?

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Fri Sep 20 2002 - 05:13:34 EDT

> Good idea, but where should I look? Seriously, all I know is I
> need 8 ohms, 10 watts. I know absolutely nothing about shopping
> for car audio.

You can run 6 and 4 ohm speakers as well. It'll just be a little more
sensitive on the volume control. ;-) Don't worry about the wattage rating.
Any car stereo speaker you'll buy in this configuration will be able to
take far more than the BZ can deliver cleanly anyway. If you're going for
cheap, hit Stereo King. They're like the K-Mart of car audio - a riceboy's
wet dream. If you're going for decent (which I wouldn't considering the
original BZ speakers are horridly poor quality), then try Magnolia Hi-Fi
or Car Toys.


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