RE: Re[2]: Question on ELMINATOR SOUND CARD with NO AUDIO Outputand X/Y Output.....

From: Stempak Arcadius-ASTEMPA1 <>
Date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 22:17:34 EDT


 Cool, and I already have the Schematics.
Also have reviewed them, recently, and found out
that the TLO 82 which I need to look at first is in Location U2.
 So I will replace this part later tonight.

 As for Removing and Replacing All Cards I have already done this
in fact, I have All the Cards in the Correct Sequence (thank you)

 3-X/Y Timing
 4-X/Y Control

 Finally the AY-3-8912 Chip from what I have found out
 and Confirmed with Mark(thanks) does not need to be present
 on ELIMINATOR but does need to be in place for ZEKTOR otherwise
 not all Sounds will be heard on ZEKTOR.

 As for the STAR WARS BOARDSET, well that is another Story........

 In fact, after Replacing All the IC's in the WATCHDOG, CLOCKING,
 and POWER ON / RESET CKT. As well as Replacing the CPU and the
 I.C. which goes off the CPU PIN# 3 -- IRQ -- and which I believe is the IRQ
 as well as Replacing the 12.096 Mhz Crystal, Veryfing All Clocks, and
Erasing and Re-Burning a
 New Set of EPROMS, with known Good Data, I am still experiencing the Same
 as before. Where RST LINE -- PIN#37 Always Pulses, and IRQ LINE -- PIN# 3
Always Stays Low.


-----Original Message-----
From: peter jones []
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 8:42 PM
Subject: Re[2]: VECTOR: Question on ELMINATOR SOUND CARD with NO AUDIO
Outputand X/Y Output.....

I am getting bored with this thread!

go to mark jenison's site and get the schematics,

then you can check the digital signals that trigger each sound,
you can also check the sound BEFORE the op-amps.

you should have got this fixed in minuits.

take the connector-pcb out of the cage, and plug all the cards back in with
the sound-card at the front.

also, i have not checked the manuals myself, but some of those AY89 series
chips also contain I/O that may be needed, so put 1 in it.

if you get this sorted i will help you fix the starwars step-by-step.


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