RE: Re[6]: VECTOR:Update on my latest Endeavors to Fix my STAR WA RS MAINBoard.

From: Stempak Arcadius-ASTEMPA1 <>
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 16:50:29 EDT


 O.K. I will leave the First EPROM as is, I.E. 27128,
also and just for the heck of it, last night, I figured it might
not hurt so, I decided to Desolder the CPU Socket
off the MAIN BOARD thinking that a new socket, since the
old one looked kind of dingy but not too bad overall,
might help ???

 In any case, I quickly learned that I should not have attempted
removal of this Socket as when I desoldered it and removed it
I also removed / broke several traced around various Pins around
the CPU Itself.

 Also found one trace under the socket which looked a bit frayed,
but that could have been me ???

 In any case and at this point I may fix this board am also looking
for a Replacement STAR WARS MAIN, which hopefully works,
so if any one of you good people, has a Spare for Sale Please let
me know.


-----Original Message-----
From: peter jones []
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 2:29 AM
Subject: Re[6]: VECTOR:Update on my latest Endeavors to Fix my STAR WARS

dont know about the manual, but in the schematics the first rom is a 27128,
dont worry.

cant work out why the irq line is stuck though, very confusing.


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