Re: Cinematronics > Atari Adapter???

From: <>
Date: Wed Oct 16 2002 - 16:51:41 EDT

In a message dated 10/16/02 2:11:16 AM, writes:

<< It really doesn't matter to me, I'm not going to bother to build it
anyway. Any time I've ever come up with an idea of designing something
useful to the vector folks half a dozen other people chime in that
they're doing the same thing. (Remember the replacement for the
Amplifone HV supply? Seemed like everyone had a version of it.)
 Nothing ever comes of any of the projects that way. >>

..Thats really unfortunate. With your knowledge of analong I'm sure you'd
design something completely excellent. The world still needs a good amplifone
HV unit, or a good new vector monitor.. It seems like it may be a while until
we see one come to frutition as the people that were working on them probably
have to brush up thier skills as they go, only to realize its too much for
them.. Rodger could probably design something bulletproof in a week.

<<So screw it all, I
don't operate or collect games any more so why should I care, right? >>

I guess thats my fault then, I ended up with all of Rodger's games.. :(
Want me to bring a few back? Plenty of dead Cines to go around :)

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Received on Wed Oct 16 13:54:12 2002

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