Re: What does a lone "P" indicate in ESB self test main/1st screen?

From: Douglas Gauck <>
Date: Sat Oct 19 2002 - 00:11:28 EDT


I'm glad you heard the beeping because I though I was crazy when it happened
to mine. Was also a bad AVG chip.


PS. Sorry for the 2x post re: Major Havoc. Anyone have a roller controller
they want to sell me?

on 10/18/02 1:43 AM, Gregg Woodcock at wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Scott Brasington" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 9:20 AM
> Subject: Re: VECTOR: What does a lone "P" indicate in ESB self test main/1st
> screen?
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Gregg Woodcock" <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 9:09 AM
>> Subject: VECTOR: What does a lone "P" indicate in ESB self test main/1st
>> screen?
>>> I am working on an Empire Strikes Back that will not do anything but
>>> watchdog reset (no picture) unless in self test. In self test I (now)
> get
>>> 16 high beeps but a screen-bunding green rectangle with a small white
> "P" in
>>> the lower left corner. It used to have a few low tones and an "R" too
> but
>>> replacing the bad RAM fixed that. Will somebody with a manual check
> this
>>> for me?
>> On many atari games, the "P" in selftest means bad POKEY.
>> Usually the diag involves back to back query of the random
>> number generator and if the result is the same (small delay
>> between) then it assumes the pokey is bad and turns on the
>> "P". Atleast this is how centipede, millipede, asteroids
>> deluxe work.
> Man this is depressing. I can't seem to get any useful responses for myself
> when I post to vectorlist anymore! Anyway. I did a little experimenting
> with my stack of unknown (were-bad) condition PCBs and hit the jackpot right
> off the bat! It turns out that a P (for both ESB and Star Wars) in self
> testindicates a failure of the AVG chip which has been cracked and TTL'd by
> I will be putting in an order shortly. The *really* strange
> thing is that this failure causes a beeping monitor yoke in game mode with
> no picture or game sounds/function. That's right, the yoke beeps as clearly
> and ryhtmicly as a quiet alarm clock!
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Received on Fri Oct 18 21:12:59 2002

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