FYI: Excellent Cinematonics monitor theory in Exorcisor manual

From: Paul Sommers <>
Date: Sat Oct 19 2002 - 05:23:00 EDT


Just to let you know that the Theory of Operation for the Cinematronics
monitor that is in the Exorcisor manual (Spies) is far better than
anything I'd seen in the various game manuals. I'm even going to tackle
the broken monitors I have. That's a big level of confidence for me.

Strange though - you would have thought they would have put a Theory of
Operation for the CPU in the manual??????

If I could find a good theory of operation manual for the CPU like this
monitor one, I'd be set. So far the games manuals I've look at don't cut

Anyway... just thought I'd let you in on some good reading.


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