Updates and or some useful information, well maybe .......

From: Stempak Arcadius-ASTEMPA1 <ASTEMPA1_at_motorola.com>
Date: Mon Oct 21 2002 - 20:33:39 EDT


 Hey good people of Vectorlist, how are you all ???

 I initially sent this E-Mail Message with Pictures Attached, well....
that was my fault as I was not aware of the fact that one could not do this,
and since I myself do not have a place to put them and set up a Link, let
me re-send my original message and omit the pictures this time.

 So, I thought I would provide some Updates / Closure to what I would call,

my ongoing Projects, which first of all included the STAR WARS Boardset
which I had for the longest time, run into issues with, and where again the
MAIN Board would Never Reset, Watchdog was Barking, IRQ was Always Low,

 Well I finally put an end to this misery, and was able, through a friend,
obtain a Working Boardset, thus completing this ongoing, project.

 Second of all, I have, among others, and in the past, raised the question
wheter or not anyone had successfully Run any of the SEGA G-80 X/Y
Using a Wells Gardner 19K610x Vector Monitor, in place of the Good Old
G08-CBO ???

 Well since I never recieved a Firm "Yes" I finally went ahead, and Built,
the SEGA X/Y Hack,
which using about $6.00 in Parts works pretty well, more or less.

 I still have to Modify the Spot Killer on the 19K610x Deflection Board, as
it tries to repeatedly
turn on during numerous sequences and when too few Vectors to keep the Ckt
are Drawn on Screen. Also have to figure out why the screen tends to Bow
Inward(see pictures)
on the Left and Right hand sides, but only when I actaully Expand it to
Normal Size. If I
shrink the Picture the screen is Square on All 4 Sides.
( Note ::: this does not occur using any type of ATARI X/Y Games.)

 Does anyone have any ideas, as to why the Picture from the G-80 Boardset
tends to Bow in ???

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Received on Mon Oct 21 17:36:08 2002

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