WTB: Star Wars 14-tooth spur gear

From: Fish, David <David.Fish_at_axcelis.com>
Date: Wed Nov 27 2002 - 07:49:17 EST

Sorry to post a WTB here but I have not received any response from my
post in RGVAC. I need a replacement 14-tooth spur gear for my SW/ESB,
the gear that controls the up/down movement. There was a mention of a
replacement gear that was discussed here a few months ago but I don't
recall it. Do we have access to recent archived V-list posts? Anyway, I'm
willing but trade stuff or buy outright. Please email me at the attbi.com
address below.

Thanks and have a happy Thanksgiving!

David Fish "We want...Information.
Melrose, MA USA You won't get it!
   dfish1@attbi.com By hook or by crook we will"
   David.Fish@axcelis.com _The
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Received on Wed Nov 27 05:03:01 2002

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