Re: atari hex key tool

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Fri Dec 27 2002 - 22:17:17 EST

John Robertson wrote:

> These days, when we ship a game to the USA and it uses Robertson
> screws, we include a driver bit for it....
> Atari often used hex-head (Allen) bolts for securing the headers...
> John :-#)#

Robertson head screws and driver bits are not a problem to find in the
USA. A lot of drywall screws are Robertson, so most building supply
stores have them. The only problem here is if you ask for Robertson
head bits you might get blank stares, but if you ask for square driver
bit there isn't a problem.

At my Real Job they used to use setscrews that took Bristol drivers.
 Kind of an early version of Torx in that it looked like an Allen but
was a splined bit instead of a smooth hex like Allen. Plus while Allen
is always 6-sided I'm not so sure Bristol and Torx are.

The clutch head bits are kind of a throwback, old GM car radios used to
use those to mount the audio output stage power transistor. Haven't
seen them much lately, though.

Tri-wing bits and spanner bits find use in some newer equipment.

Do yourselves a favor and buy a kit that has the entire assortment in
it, you will eventually need it.

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