Amplifone Pincushion Problem

From: Dave Langley <>
Date: Sat Jan 18 2003 - 15:41:08 EST

Hi ...

The Amplifone 25" fitted to my Star Wars Cockpit has a pincushion problem
with it that almost 'feels' like it's a WG. There's a picture of it
problem here: (39Kb)

This is the games original monitor with both boards being green, it has
been recapped, 0ohm resistors replaced with wire, a new WINTRON fitted and
most of the semis on the boards (especially the X and Y deflection stages
where all but a few of the diodes have been done) yet the problem
persists. It's definitely the monitor as the fault is not apparent when
using my 'scope in XY mode. Any ideas?

Another problem I had with it the other day was the X axis was 'tearing' by
up to an inch. After I spent ages fault finding I traced it to the X size
pot on the Amplifone Deflection PCB. Since you also have an X Size on the
game PCB, can I just remove this pot or do I need to replace it. I've got
it adjusted to a place on the pot where I don't get the fault for now but
that's not really a proper solution is it. (37Kb).

Lastly, does anyone have a Positor for an Amplifone Deflection PCB they's
sell me (or a whole PCB suitable for refurbishment will be fine) since I'm
running my game with the degaussing coil disconnected.

Dave Langley

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