Re: Very Dim Asteroids Monitor Problem

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Fri Jan 24 2003 - 14:43:51 EST

Yup, as I thought...check the Z-Axis section, you will see that the 90VDC
is separated into two sub circuits, the cathode, and Grid1, this is
adjustable from roughly 45VDC to 0VDC by a pot, and the cathode is
controlled by transistor Q504.

You do need the 90VDC...if low, check diode (not a 1N400X - too slow) and
filter cap(s) in the circuit.

John :-#)#

At 12:22 AM 25/01/2003 -0800, Matt Rossiter wrote:
>I've been Looking at this early verion of the G05 with the extra regulator
>PCB and the problem is the monitor is very dim. The tube is fine, but the
>Grid-1 voltage is only 10v when the brightness pot is turned all the way up.
>Normally is should be around 30-35v for a good picture. The Z-amp voltage
>is only about 70v when it should be around +90v, but I think that should
>still be ok.
>This is probably a simple question, but if the most I'm getting is +10v with
>the brightness pot turned all the way up, what should I be checking for?
>I've checked the brightness pot and it's ok. The voltages coming from the
>regulator PCB look ok. The tube and yoke are fine. And the monitor has new
>electolytic capacitors. Anybody?
>Here's the manual if anyone cares to take a guess.
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