Re: re:Battlezone woes

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Fri Mar 07 2003 - 16:38:05 EST

You might have bad ground connections between the monitor, logic board and
power supply. Have you beefed these up? Very important!!! The idea is to
make certain that the common tie point (good and tight, use a lock
washer!!) on Atari power supplies has a 18 gauge wire running directly to
the logic board (bolt/solder to the board!), power supply (solder the
sucker), and monitor chassis - double check the connection of the monitor
mother board to the chassis!

If anyone has done this and will take pictures I will happily add them to
my tech tips page on - I just don't have anything in stock
right now for demo pictures.

John :-#)#

At 09:34 PM 06/03/2003 -0500, Hyperion wrote:

>Tony and Roger --
>Got the BZ fixed! Turned out to be a bad Dac-08.
>Thanks for the heads-up on the "current" vs. "voltage" outputs and some of
>the characteristics and logic. I'm still casually learning, and never
>stopped to think about that.
>So, this board I got untested off ebay had the following bad items:
>cap tied to 7805 (blown open)
>2 bad rams
>On another note, it seems the monitor, when first powered, is a certain
>screen size.. we'll say size X.
>After a few mins, the screen VERTICAL size decreased to maybe X-1.5 inches
>on the screen.
>Also, the vectors will occasionally fade out, as if someone is fiddling
>with the screen/contrast knobs.. (they aren't!)
>Before I dig into the monitor, does that sound like a simple cap issue in
>the HV?
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