Omega Race Steering Encoder

From: Matt Rossiter <>
Date: Thu Apr 03 2003 - 18:36:54 EST

My Omega Race is almost 100% working. There's just one small problem I'm
trying to figure out.

When I turn the ship around, it has a skip between 2 o'clock and 3 o'clock.
When I put the game in test mode, all of the angle encoder bits go high and
low like they should when I turn the knob. I'm pretty sure that the problem
is on the steering encoder PCB since I've tried two different daughter
boards. I've tried replacing 4 of the TTL chips on the board, but it still
has that dumb skip. Any suggestions?

Does anyone know where I can find the schematics for the Steering encoder
board? My manual is missing them.


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