Gravitar Purchase

From: Frank Palazzolo <>
Date: Mon May 05 2003 - 19:58:56 EDT


I just purchased a Gravitar less that 1/2 mile from my house! I went
into a Billiards store where they sell a few modern coin-ops, and
there it was in the back labelled clearance - $299.

I got it for $250. The cabinet is in very good condition, it plays,
with sound - but there are two notable issues. 1) There is no green
and 2) The right 1/3 of the picture is missing / black. I just
unloaded it and haven't looked inside yet.

So, I have yet another fixer-upper, but I'm thinking there can't be
much wrong with it. At least the price and location can't be beat..

And, now I can try out my ZVG on something other than a scope. :)


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