RE: NOS List of stuff

From: Martin White <>
Date: Fri May 23 2003 - 18:58:09 EDT

Everyone has a delete key don't they???

Okay, being a member of ukvac I've just had to order a new keyboard 'cause
my delete key is knackered, but I'm sure you get my point :O)

If people don't mind FS:, but they don't like FS then they only have to
update their filters by one character (or heaven forbid create a new

Neil, I know you're moderator, but...

Don't tell me another seller has just been forced off to eGay? What with Art
and Brian, at this rate there'll be no-one left when we want to buy stuff,
or not, depending on whether you want to pay their prices or not (your

As far as off list complaints, don't be shy guys an on list complaint will
get the message through 10x quicker if you're that bothered about it!

Personally I've been finding them interesting, I'm not in the market for
buying anything at the 'mo, but I always like to have a quick flick through
to see whats being offered and at what prices.

(who can't believe people are so damn touchy!)

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Neil Bradley
Sent: 23 May 2003 22:48
Subject: VECTOR: NOS List of stuff


I've been getting private complaints about your NOS parts list, and I'll
have to agree that once a day is excessive. Please restrict your posts to
one a week (vector list rules indicate FS is OK in moderation), and you also
need to put FS: (not just FS) in your subject headers. List rules. Please



Neil Bradley            In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is not
Synthcom Systems, Inc.  king - he's a prisoner.
ICQ #29402898
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