Re: Asteroids: Free Play, Monitor Problems

From: Tony Jones <>
Date: Sun May 25 2003 - 11:06:55 EDT

> This is very apparent when you get to the screen where you can enter your
> initials for a high score...all of the letters are slightly bouncy. And if
> you play the game for too long, everything on the monitor grows to 4-5 times
> its normal size. One person told me to replace the power supply,!

The growing to 4-5 times it's normal size sounds like "blooming" to me
(low high voltage). This is often a fault of the high voltage diode.
Mark Capps sells these (he's a great guy), in fact he just posted his list
of parts here a few days ago. Would recommend buying a spare as a backup
as this is a common problem.

Replace this first. A HV probe would be useful afterwards to ensure you have
good HV. If the bouncy text continues, it could be the pots on the game
board, the caps in the HV or hum from your linear power supply.
If it's more of a shimmer, I would tend to look at recapping the HV and
looking at the power supply capacitor. If it's more of a actual jumping
(where the whole screen tends to bounce) I'd look at the pots on the
game board. Often, just turning the pots back and forth a few times settles
them down (remembering their original setting of cource) and when doing this
sometimes you'll come across a pot where just touching it with your finger
causes the display to become unsettled. Basically, do the easy stuff first
and work upto the harder, more expensive things.

Good luck!


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