Re: new question- converting monitors from Vertical to Horizontal is it possible?

From: Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. <>
Date: Sat Aug 09 2003 - 13:35:55 EDT

I picked up for cheap cheap a Pleades game that was converted to a Renegade.

Since the Pleades was a vertical G07 monitor and the Renegade required a
horizontal monitor.... the person who did the conversion made some blocks,
bolted the vertical mount monitor to the side of the cabinet (with the
spacer blocks to center the monitor), then added a support for the "far"
end of the monitor.

Quite hack... geez... you'd think G07s were rare or something :-) could
have just switched the chassis :-)

Only choices are to changed monitors, or rotate 90 degrees.... the difficulty
of doing so depends on your monitor mounting method(s).

-- Curt

>X-Authentication-Warning: majordom set sender to using -f
>Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2003 11:56:59 -0500
>From: Rodger Boots <>
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>To:, rasterlist <>
>Subject: Re: VECTOR: new question- converting monitors from Vertical to
Horizontal is it possible?
>X-Note: This E-mail was scanned by Declude.
>You're probably talking about the sync inputs. The only way to convert
>the monitor from "vertical games" to "horizontal games" is to physically
>turn the monitor 90 degrees. "Horizontal games" have the monitor turned
>like a TV set, long axis is horizontal. In "vertical games" the monitor
>is turned so the long axis is vertical.
>The H and V connections are for the sync signals. Most monitors even
>have a second set of H and V inputs for the opposite polarity of sync
>signals. Which ones you use are determined by which polarity your game
>board puts out.
>newnan wrote:
>> This is probably better for Rasterlist- but there Ive seen no
>> traffic. Does anybody know of a web resource that tells how to do
>> this? The monitor in question is a WG something or other. There
>> appears to be a plug that tells the chassis whether its H or V- Hell
>> I'm just going to try some stuff. If anybody has any ideas I'd
>> appreciate it...
>> Nooner

Curtis Wilbar
Hawk Mountain Networks

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